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Going to

All I wanted was to get away from home. I lived in a strict household especially for girls. Now, don’t get me wrong, the foundation of why was extremely rewarding. Girls can’t really get away with as much as boys when it comes to a lot of stuff that I wont get into right now.

Anyway, I wanted to LIVE! I thought about joining the armed forces until they told me so many “can nots” I decided…hhmm…NOPE! So, college it was…then HOLLYWOOD. Well, at least I finished college, with 3 degrees. Anyway, if you have a desire to go to college, GO! Do NOT use the excuse of “no money available”. There are plenty of scholarships, grants and fellowships. IF you are willing to do the work, you are willing to get the rewards. I blew it and had to pay student loans…not just for undergrad but grad as well. Don’t mess up like I did. NOTHING like that nagging student loan that never seems to gggoooooo aaawwwwaayyy. Well, here yah go!

  1. Determine your passion or what you would love to do even if you didn’t get paid to do it. (you will one day, just work with me)

  2. Research jobs, businesses and careers related to your passion

  3. ASK, SEEK, KNOCK! Ask your guidance counselor or any career counselor for any contacts and resources available for you to get started and continue.

  4. SEEK people you already know who may know others in the field of your interest. Then speak with those contacts to discuss your options.

  5. KNOCK on all the doors that are available to you AFTER you set up a meeting, to talk to those people behind those doors of opportunity. Never hurts to just knock on the door for advice from those who are where you would like to be. Corporations and businesses (especially major ones) have a PR department available with school funds available that relate to their business and your field of study.

  6. Start searching for colleges and universities that offer the degrees in the area of your passion (always choose a minor that compliments your major)

  7. List your nationality, handicap (yes, handicap) and EVERY ethnic background in your bloodline. Why? You will be amazed at the scholarships, fellowships and grants available for you because you have some particular ethnic background, disability, gender and nationality. Even if you come close to whatever the application requires, apply anyway. You never know. (read to the end to find out why)

  8. Collect all of the above information and follow up with everything required to receive the funds you need for the school you would like to attend.

  9. Make it a part-time job to DAILY search everywhere for funds and fill out every form. Ignore the ones that require a fee. That’s usually a business trying to make money off of those who don’t want to do the work themselves.

  10. FOLLOW UP with EVERYONE. Send letters (yes, snail mail), emails, phone calls AFTER you complete all of the pertinent applications for school and funds.

Now, this is NOT for the faint at heart and the greatest commitment yields the greatest cash rewards. Don’t believe me? There was an article in JET magazine AFTER I finished college of a young ethnic male who applied for school and scholarships,etc. He received OVER 1 million dollars in FREE funds. He was a C average student. The reporter asked him how did he receive all that money? He said, “Well, I was curious to see what would happen if I applied for every single funding source for school that applied to me. I was submitting applications for about 2 years. Whatever it was, I applied if it fit anything about me.” She then asked, “What was the largest amount?” He said, “Funny you should ask. Most of the funds were given to me because I was the ONLY one who applied for the money.”

BOOM! Welcome to no excuse for funding school Course 101

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